
库尔勒开发区加速推进重点项目建设:国庆期间,作为巴州经济发展排头兵的国家级库尔勒经济技术开发区,正在加速推进重点项目建设。面对经济下行压力,开发区换挡提速,加快转型升级的步伐,积极发展“3+1”产业,即纺织服装产业、石油天然气产业、农副产品产业和现代服务业嵌入式发展模式,并以此为带动,推动了各项重点 ...

Engineer your success! Engineering students play a central role in the new technologies being developed here. Guided by faculty mentors, they’re improving access to clean drinking water in rural communities around the world, developing new sensor technologies for robots, and discovering biomedical technologies that help identify and treat disease. Our students participate in internships around the world, some working on multinational teams to discover sustainable energy solutions or design fuel-efficient automotive systems.

This video was sent out to students this summer to welcome them to URI Engineering.


Become part of a research community that advances human potential—and believes in your potential to make your mark on the world.



Advanced Materials
Developing the building blocks for resilient structures

Alternative Energy
Envisioning a sustainable future

Finding solutions that improve lives

Water for the World
Ensuring access for every person the world

Cyber Security
Safegarding our nation’s information systems

Tapping into the power of small particles

Creating technology to help us go further

Expanding what we can detect in the world

Take a closer look


SBC中国及成都数字健康创业加速器正式上线发布 -四川新闻 ...:2021-12-16 · 全球遍撒英雄帖 筛选10支健康医疗“梦之队”免费 入驻 本次数字健康国际峰会上星光璀璨,聚集国内外顶尖创业孵化器和行业领军企业。国家级科技企业孵化器天府新谷、欧洲最大创业加速器SBC、普华永道及知名医院和各类投资机构纷纷参会 ...

See the World
The first program of its kind, the International Engineering Program (IEP) trains bilingual, culturally competent, global engineers.



  • 海外永久免费软件加速器 ‘Sharkcano’ Discovered By URI Professor Featured on National Geographic - The discovery of sharks living in an active underwater volcano in the Pacific Ocean by Brennan Phillips, an assistant professor of ocean engineering at URI, was the subject of a documentary on National Geographic.
  • 免费全球节点加速器 传输高效、延迟更低 华为全网络聚合加速技术Link Turbo ...:2021-12-28 · 网络加速功能默认为关闭状态,用户需要在设置菜单中手动开启。在全局开关之下,还对每个应用设置了加速开关。启用加速功能后,系统会提醒用户正在使用WLAN和移动数据,当使用的移动流量达到阈值会进行流量消耗提醒,用户可以选择“切换至WLAN”。 - Navatek and the University of Rhode Island College of Engineering have been awarded a $3.8 million contract for cyber-physical systems research by the U.S. Office of Naval Research.
  • scanning-transmission electron microscope $2.3 Million Electron Microscope Purchased for Materials Research - URI has purchased a $2.3 million scanning-transmission electron microscope that will be used to visualize and characterize a broad variety of materials in high-resolution at sub-nanoscales.
  • IEP students at Oktoberfest International Internships Cut Short, but URI Students Return with Valuable Experience - When URI switched to remote learning in March due to COVID-19, 53 students who were studying and working abroad through URI’s International Engineering Program were brought back to the United States, where research and internship opportunities were arranged for them.
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The College of Engineering offers more than 25 programs from five departments.

Chemical Engineering
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Electrical, Computer & Biomedical Engineering
Mechanical & Industrial Systems Engineering